Cody Bontecou

The act of documenting my life is boring

February 27, 2025 · 1 minute read · life,reflection,writing

I want to document my life, but I find the act of documenting it boring. Step-by-step regurgitation of what I've done recently is just that - regurgitation. There's no creativity or thought-provoking process that goes along with it.

I want to write and I want to share my experiences with others, but I'm struggling to find a way to do it that satisfies me.

Recounting my day-to-day takes a lot of time and effort. There's an infinite number of things to recount and details to include. If I write every bit of my day, it will take an entire day to write it! I find myself cutting corners to get the words down on the page quicker. But then, the words that do end up on the page have less meaning and become a hollow shell of what I actually experienced.

Maybe the issue is that I try to recount too much in a single sitting? Maybe it's better I write and recount smaller segments of my day?

All I'm sure of is that I want to write and I want to share.

^^ After writing that line, I decided to write A beautiful moment on highway one.


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