Cody Bontecou

Silently Update URL in Nuxt 3

February 14, 2022 · 2 minute read · nuxt,vue-router

We often need to update a query parameter like ?search=hello within our URL without refreshing the page. I'll quickly show you how to do that using Nuxt 3.

Collecting User Input

For this tutorial, I'll be using a simple <input> field with v-model to gather the query parameter.

<!-- pages/example.vue -->
  <input v-model="twitchStreamer" />

twitchStreamer is now a reactive variable that we can work with within setup().

// pages/example.vue
  setup() {
    const twitchStreamer = ref('')

    return { twitchStreamer }

Nuxt 3's useRouter()

I'm not sure what differences there are between Nuxt 2 and Nuxt 3, but so far there haven't been any.

Within setup(), call the auto-imported functions useRouter() to gain access to the router object.

// pages/example.vue
  setup() {
    const router = useRouter()
    const twitchStreamer = ref('')

    return { twitchStreamer }

Connecting v-model input to our URL

Now, set up a watcher to watch our twitchStreamer v-model value so that every time it's value is updated, a bit of code is ran.

// pages/example.vue
  setup() {
    const router = useRouter()
    const twitchStreamer = ref('')

    watch(twitchStreamer, (twitchStreamer, previous) => {
        path: '/test',
        query: { streamer: twitchStreamer },

    return { twitchStreamer }

Every time the twitchStreamer value is changed, we push to our URL using vue-router with the updated query.

The query parameter of .push takes in a key and value. The key in this example is streamer.

Because of this, the url that is updated will look like /test?streamer= with the twitchStreamer value beind after the = sign.

What about when you refresh or navigate?

There's a bit more to this topic but I decided to write a separate article here. Be sure to check if out if you are interested in how to deal with the query param on page refresh or direct navigation.

Final code snippet

<!-- pages/example.vue -->
  <input v-model="twitchStreamer" />

  setup() {
    const router = useRouter()
    const twitchStreamer = ref('')

    watch(twitchStreamer, (twitchStreamer, previous) => {
        path: '/test',
        query: { streamer: twitchStreamer },

    return { twitchStreamer }

Silently Update URL in Nuxt 3


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