Cody Bontecou

Client-side AI with Nuxt Workers + Transformers.js

March 24, 2025 · 2 minute read · ai,nuxt,transformers,transformers.js

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This post walks you through an implementation of NLLB-200, Facebook's text-to-text translation model, in the browser.

Core Tools

  • Nuxt Workers: Offload AI tasks to Web Workers to prevent main-thread blocking.
  • Transformers.js: Run pre-trained models (translation, sentiment analysis) directly in the browser.

Project Setup

Let's start by creating a new project with the necessary dependencies.

  • Create the project:
npm create nuxt <project-name>
  • Change into project directory:
cd <project-name>


  • Install runtime dependencies:
npm install @xenova/transformers
  • Install nuxt-workers via module:
npx nuxi@latest module add nuxt-workers


Nuxt Workers looks for your web workers in the ~/workers/ directory.

Create translate.ts:

// workers/translate.ts

import { pipeline } from '@xenova/transformers'

const task = 'translation'
const model = 'Xenova/nllb-200-distilled-600M'

export async function translate(input: string) {
    const translator = await pipeline(task, model)
    const translation = await translator(input, {
        tgt_lang: 'spa_Latn',
        src_lang: 'eng_Latn',

    return translation

Transformers.js pulls the model from HuggingFace and installs it into your browser session. Now you can interact with it via the pipeline function.

You can view task options on Huggingface.

nllb-200 relies on FLORES-200 language codes. See here for the full list of languages and their corresponding codes.

UI Integration

To use the pages directory, replace app.vue with the following:

// app.vue

    <NuxtPage />

Then create an index.vue file, hooking into our translate function:

// pages/index.vue

<script setup lang="ts">
const input = ref('Hello')
const message = ref()

async function runTranslate() {
    message.value = await translate(input.value)

    {{ message }}
    <input type="text" v-model="input" />
    <button @click="runTranslate">Translate</button>


Simple and effective

Beyond Translation

Swap the model and task for:



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